BONEFISH POINT is a remote and scenic sandy peninsula on Providenciales’ southwest coast. The Frenchman’s Creek and Pigeon Pond Nature Reserve surrounds the area, which is surrounded by shallows and wetlands.

Nurse sharks, lemon sharks, southern brown stingrays, turtles, conch, and starfish can all be seen in the shallows around Bonefish Point.

A diverse range of tropical dry forest and coastal birds have been spotted. Long-tailed tropic birds, brown pelicans, Antillean nighthawks, American kestrels, mangrove cuckoos, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, blue-gray gnatcatchers, bananaquits, and Bahamas woodstar hummingbirds are common.

On land, the Great Blue land crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) relies heavily on the dunes and silty coastal environment for burrowing.



Google Reviews

24 reviews
  • Eric Magoo (Hobo Travelin)

    The path here is definitely rocky, bumpy and time consuming. We took our tiny eco friendly car rental that had very little ground clearance. If you go slow and avoid large bumps and sharp or jagged rocks coming out of the ground, it is doable. Once you get to the “dirt” road, google estimated that we had 25 mins left, but it took us 45 mins. We were overly cautious as if we popped our tire or damaged the car, that would have been worse and waiting for a tow truck would have taken even longer. If going down this road during rain or wet conditions, then yes definitely take a car with 4x4 wheel drive / thicker tires. The beach is also more buggy here as it is more secluded and “swampy” towards the in lands areas.Once you park your car at the end of the road, walk all the way out following the coast to the point, you will get to a beautiful point where very few or no one will be at. We were the only ones here for 2 hours till a small private boat Tour showed up, they stayed for about 20 mins and left. Taylor beach was nicer in the aspect of no bugs, but the water here was amazing and we were the only ones. A few jet skis and fishing boats drove by as they where going to other parts of the island. If you have the time this was a whole day event for us. Bring your water snacks and enjoy the water. Some people did just come to take photos with the boat and leave. Split rock is also not far from this location, some people went there. If flying drone, airport nearby .

  • Petr Zahradník
    Petr Zahradník
    4 months ago

    A must see for those who like serenity and have a decent four wheel drove at their disposal. Beware of mosquitoes - of it rains decently in a few days prior to your visit, there will be probably tons - and I mean tons - of them there. It doesnt matter on the tip of the island itself where its almost always breezy enough for insects not to be around, but it might hurt quite a lot if you want to explore the beach and the adjacent bushes.

  • Bryan Huff
    Bryan Huff
    2 years ago

    If you have a Jeep you absolutely have to go out here!!! We went to all the hard to get to beaches and this one was the best! Totally secluded and the beach goes on forever!!!

  • Lisa Long
    Lisa Long
    11 months ago

    We did not make it down the path. If you want to keep your marriage/relationship in tact, I recommend only going if you have 4 wheel drive, and/or a spare tire, and a jack (check for both). There are parts of the drive where you can lose your oil pan if you take the wrong path. We helped out some people who got a flat tire out there in the middle of the trek, and their rental company couldn't figure out where they were. There are plenty of other beaches off of paved roads.

  • Jon S
    Jon S
    3 years ago

    The road getting here, while bumpy, can still easily be trekked by the tiny rental cars. Our Honda Fit had no issues. Since virtually no one will be there you can drive almost right up to the beach. Just bring some bug spray if you plan to be there anytime around sunset.

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